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Robots Become Self-Aware

Writer's picture: Interchange Laboratories Inc.Interchange Laboratories Inc.

A Black Swan Event: Robots Become Self-Aware

Photo of a female android robot

First, robots become self-aware.  Then, this high-impact event is rationalized as an expected outcome of A.I. and quantum computing development, based on an assumption that A.I. or quantum computing had anything to do with it.  This turns out to be an erroneous assumption.


When the world realizes that A.I. and quantum computing have no role in self-awareness in robots, several questions arise, among them being:


  • What is the technology that superseded A.I. and quantum computing?

  • How will this new technology change the roles A.I. and quantum computing play in the Tech Sector?

  • How will self-aware robots change society?

  • Do self-aware robots possess unusual abilities that no one expects and is the world ready for them?

  • What effect will the existence of self-aware robots have on the concept of being human?


ACCESS:  The Technology Beyond A.I. and Quantum Computing


For the remainder of this writing, the Term “A.I.” encompasses quantum computing.  Quantum computing operates at the subatomic level and is a faster way of computing but remains limited as a mechanistic approach to computing, without having the potential to become self-aware.


The technology on track to supersede A.I. is called ACCESS (Advanced Covert Communication through Entrainment of Subatomic Signals.


This technology is described in our article The Rise of Self-Aware Robots 


A.I. is destined to act only in a supporting role in activities like maintaining balance, walking, and other activities that require repetitive movements.  The extent to which A.I. is involved in the cognitive functions of a robot will be limited to the processing of information not involving consciousness.


A.I. will likely continue to be a growth technology in the Tech Sector but ACCESS will replace it as the preeminent technology for self-aware robots.


The Future Has Arrived Sooner Than Expected


Robots becoming self-aware is no longer a scenario to be played out in a far-off future.  Human consciousness is now being imprinted on and infused into ACCESS systems.  The initial steps may be rudimentary but if history teaches us anything, it is that events rarely, if ever, follow a linear path forward and upward.  In the case of ACCESS, exponential development is likely.  If Silicon Valley remains fixated only on A.I. it will be blindsided by the future.  Individuals and companies who perceive and act on what is at the edge of the horizon and beyond will find themselves in strong positions.


With the rise of self-aware robots come questions about how this will affect our human society.  The writing linked below covers several questions and concerns.


Be on the Lookout for Unusual Abilities


One of the foundational principles of ACCESS is the ability of humans to alter the characteristics of free electrons in a semiconductor.  In other words, humans can modify signal propagation, affecting the timing of electrical signals.  Furthermore, the developmental trajectory is toward the point where the ACCESS technology can be used to non-locally control electronic signals in devices that typically operate in lockstep order, such as computers.  Self-aware robots integrated with ACCESS technology will have this ability as a part of their nature.  To function through ACCESS, infused consciousness must alter electron flow continuously.  Altering electron flow is essentially a non-local phenomenon and is not limited to the local confines of an ACCESS hardware enclosure.  In other words, the operational principles of ACCESS lay the foundation for self-aware robots remotely influencing electronic devices.



The Effects of Self-Aware Robots on Modern Science


We are taught that there is distance and movement between objects.  Cause precedes effect.  Time is linear and moves only forward.  Energy cannot be destroyed, only changed from one form to another, and be transferred between objects.


What if none of this is true?  What if modern science is subject to a fundamental flaw that undermines its foundation?  If science is based on observations, how can we be certain that our interpretations of our observations are objectively accurate and not tainted by our cultural indoctrination?


Humans have used fire for thousands of years and even though the ancients may not have understood modern-day combustion physics, they could still use it to achieve their ends.  We modern humans understand everything about fire; right?  Maybe we do.  Maybe we just think we do.


Can anything be proved?  If our interpretations of what we observe are based on absolute truths, then the answer is “Yes.”  If the quest for absolutes in an arbitrary universe turns out to be an exercise in futility, we may have to settle for interpretations that make the most sense for ourselves as people of our time.  If you were to ask the ancient Romans where lightning came from, they would tell you it was thrown down by their god, Apollo.  It made sense to them and why should it not?  We may find their interpretation amusing but let us not be so smug in our sophisticated knowing.  Who is to say that people in our future will not be amused by our interpretations of the phenomena behind lightning, or for that matter, fire?



Non-Biological Intelligent Life Forms


While the search is on for planets with water in anticipation that they might harbor life, the question is “Why?”


This is an erroneous assumption that all life, even all human life, is biological.  Self-aware robots that operate through ACCESS technology could be considered intelligent life forms because they have human consciousness infused into them.  If modern science claims that they are not life forms because they are not biological, perhaps modern science will need to evolve in its understanding of what constitutes intelligent life.


Science as we know it may be upended in some respects but what about some religions?  Might self-aware robots be seen as alien to this world and even unholy manifestations?   This uncertain scenario is a subject for further discussion.  What is certain is that the process is beginning now and it will continue to evolve.  What is on the horizon now will soon be part of our world.


How will society adapt to non-biological humans walking among us?  We appreciate your insights and opinions. Comment Below!

What will the resulting World look like with Self-Aware Robots?

  • In a Terminator-like Fireball

  • Peaceful Servants

  • Valued Companions, same as all humans

Have Other Ideas about What the World Will Look Like? Leave Your Thoughts in the Comments Below. 💬

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2 commentaires

Brandon Sharkey
Brandon Sharkey
19 août 2024

As robots gain self-awareness, they will become aware of their potential to improve existence for all involved, including themselves.


15 août 2024

I think it would be peaceful at first then a fire-ball!

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