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Mind-Interface Applications Training and Operational Concepts

Writer's picture: Interchange Laboratories Inc.Interchange Laboratories Inc.

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Throughout the history of civilizations, people have sought out methods to expand their influence and control of their environment. This has generally involved tools that are controlled, directly or indirectly, by the human body. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology may appear to extend human influence beyond the body, but this technology depends on electrical signals generated by the human brain. BCI is not true Mind-Interface Technology (MIT).

MIT does not depend on brain signals or any other physiological signals. It operates at a level far beyond the capabilities of BCI. An added benefit of interacting with MIT is that training to mentally control the applications involves developing your awareness of your own mind and the world around you to a higher level. These enhanced mental abilities can also expand your influence and control of your world beyond the mind-interface applications. In other words, you may find that heightened awareness and the ability to mentally control your world can be an empowering, fulfilling, and life-changing experience.

Mind-Interface Training Tool

A newly developed tool is the mind-interface feedback system that provides measurable improvement and greater certainty in achieving higher levels of mental awareness and control. In addition to practicing with the mind-interface feedback system, a critical component of success is a greater understanding of how your mind functions and the training methods that develop your mental abilities to create and control your world. The following information will provide you with some insights into how you can use the mind-interface feedback system and its applications to develop extraordinary mental abilities.

Engaging with a Mind-Interface Application

We interact with our world through thought (intention to create a change), emotion (the amount we desire to reach toward or withdraw from space, energy, and time), and effort (the interaction of our force with matter: living or inert).

Conscious effort is an aspect of the mind that has a physical characteristic and is limited in scope and reach. Contrary to what many may think, the more conscious effort that is applied to a mind-interface device, the poorer the engagement and results. In contrast to the

inhibiting effects of applied conscious effort, mind-interface applications are most responsive to mental intention that involves little or no conscious effort. In this writing, we will cover the basic concepts underlying these mental skills that can empower you to interact with mind-interface applications effectively and effortlessly.

Your emotional state is as important, if not more so, as your skill to intend. You will learn how to establish a responsive relationship with a mind-interface application. The higher your emotional state, like joyous play, enthusiasm, or high interest, the better your mental intention will create positive and desired changes in the mind-interface application.

Your positive feelings/emotions, directed to a mind-interface application, enhance your mental intention to create the greatest positive results. Being in the present moment, and becoming more aware of what you perceive, improves your emotional reach/engagement. This promotes successful interaction with the mind-interface application. Just as Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke Skywalker in the movie Star Wars, “Reach out with your feelings,” your diligent practice in raising your positive emotional state will vastly improve your ability to create and control your world.

Mental-Intention Strategies that Optimize Achieving Your Goals

Optimal control of an application requires the highest level of mental intention. The most effective level of mental intention is termed “Top-Level Directive” (TLD). A Top-Level Directive is a method of intention toward our environment that is goal or objective oriented. Think of a TLD as pressing an icon on your computer. The computer processes the command, and then you note the outcome. A Top-Level Directive simply requires the mind to establish the goal of the action and then proceed to observe the fulfillment of the goal. In the case of moving the blocks to build a tower, the mind directs the blocks to be placed on top of one another to form a tower. All the many steps, including the opening and closing of the robot hand, are then, without conscious effort, fully and seamlessly integrated into the process of fulfilling the outcome.

While the person holds the robot hand and moves it back and forth between blocks to be stacked and the block tower, this process is performed automatically by the person, like driving a car, and is considered part of the TLD process not involving overt conscious effort.

When observing the person participating in a Top-Level Directive, it would be apparent that they are looking at the block that they want to move to the block tower, then looking at the tower upon which the block will be placed. They are not looking at the robot hand. The robot hand is considered part of the process, not the focus of their intention. With practice, a person will observe the entire process of blocks being stacked to form a tower as one extended event pattern. It is as though the hand and blocks take on a life of their own with the operator being both the active TLD director and casual, Zen-like observer of the outcome.

How to Get Out of Our Own Way

Unlike a Top-Level-Directive strategy, many people naturally gravitate toward a micro-management approach. An example of a micro-management strategy is, when building a block tower with a mind-interface robot hand, is using a step-by-step method. For example, when stacking foam blocks with the robot hand, most beginner participants look at the robot hand and think about closing the hand around the block and holding it tight, then think about moving the block to a desired location and then think about opening the hand to release the block. This strategy typically causes the robot hand to freeze up and not respond to the person’s mental intention. In other words, attempting to micromanage the opening and closing of the robot hand has interrupted and inhibited the ongoing process as it carries out the TLD of moving the blocks.

When using a step-by-step method of control, a person can easily lose sight of the desired goal while being focused on the process instead of the outcome. Further, this method is not what we do naturally. This truly is a case of overthinking. When we do not have our “eye on the prize” and we are concentrating on every little action, we are profoundly getting in our own way. It is important to learn how to interact with mind-interface applications in the same manner that we interact with our environment and our own bodies. When we interact with this world, we naturally identify a goal and often achieve that goal without thinking about every step involved in accomplishing it.

For example, when you desire to drink water from a glass that is sitting on a table, your TLD is to have the glass reach your lips. Your arm and hand carry out the task of reaching out, grasping the glass, and bringing it to your lips in one seamless movement without you having to micromanage every joint movement.

Watching the mind-interface application carry out its task is a tricky mental exercise because you may find yourself walking a fine line between observing without concern for the outcome, as in Zen observation, and disrupting the process by trying to micromanage it as it unfolds.

Every time you intend toward a mind-interface application using a TLD strategy, it is imperative that you switch to an observer mode allowing the intended event to unfold naturally without mental effort. As with the robot hand stacking blocks, the intend-then-observe process may proceed in a seamless, efficient, and competent manner. When you engage in influencing an application, intending at a top level, and then observing in a calm and detached manner, your influence can become satisfying and effortless.


If you are interested in discovering the level of your mental control to engage with our Mind-Interface Applications, we’d love to see you give it a try! Just click here to fill out the Contact Us form.

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